Meet the Beekeeper

Meet the Beekeeper

We suited up in our newly acquired beekeeping gear (that was sparkling white, but not for long) and entered the bee yard that was literally a-buzz with activity. Previously a place in the garden to avoid, we entered our new world with confidence. For our Hon’s Honey beekeeper, an environment that should have filled her with anxiety, felt surprisingly peaceful. She moved with grace through the chaos of bees entering and exiting over 20 hives.

Beekeeping was a pivotal step on the road to equip more women survivors with varied skills and work experience that will enable them to rise to new heights.



How long have you been a beekeeper?

Since the beginning of 2020.

Do you ever get afraid of the bees?

I’ve had a couple moments where I've gotten a little intimidated.

What can we learn from bees?

Community– how important community is. It’s for the greater good of all, and not just one.

What was your favorite memory from the 2022 harvest?

The harvest party with all the women– being able to be hands on with everyone and experience that harvest joy together.

What’s been your biggest beekeeping learning curve?

Learning how to keep beekeeping notes. It’s hard to journal every in-hive inspection properly. But it helps you to look back, assess, and plan ahead to prepare.

What’s the most rewarding aspect of beekeeping?

The most rewarding thing is that I can pass my knowledge along and encourage others with it to step out of their comfort zone. When we step out of that comfort zone, a whole world of possibilities can come about.

What are you most proud of in your beekeeping journey?

There’s a lot that I'm really proud of. I’m very proud that my beekeeping journey can speak to others. I’m also really proud of the delightful tasking honey that our hard working bees make. They make some really righteous honey.

Shop 2022 Worker Bee Reserve

Our 2022 Worker Bee Reserve is from our very own hives. It’s cared for, harvested and bottled by us! Taste courage, hard work, and love in a single jar of honey. Your purchase enables a whole world of possibilities for every woman at Hon’s Honey. Shop today!


16oz Worker Bee Reserve - $30

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3oz Worker Bee Reserve - $9.00

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BeekeepingNina Romeo