Why Bees Are Important. And How You Can Help

Bees play a huge role in the restoration of our ecosystem. We need bees in our environment! Globally, there are more honey bees than any other pollinating insect. Bees pollinate approximately 130 crops in the U.S. including fruit, fiber, nut and veggie crops.  

What we do:

We are continually learning ways we can be kind to the environment each day. All of our products are filled with high-quality natural ingredients, using locally sourced honey. By sourcing honey from Baltimore for our products, we are a conduit for preserving and protecting hives in community gardens around the city. We began our beekeeping journey in 2020, and what a time it has been! We have and continue to take beekeeping classes to consistently learn more about beekeeping and how we can give back. 

A lot of people are scared of bees, and even if that’s you- there are still some steps you can take to help! 

YOU can play an active role in protecting bees and caring for your environment. 

  1. Do not destroy hives: instead, call a local farmer or beekeeper to relocate them for you. When left untouched honey bees are relatively harmless, but if disturbed can become aggressive. Leave them be, and wait for help to arrive. 

  2. Bye-bye, pesticides: avoid using pesticides, fungicides, or herbicides on plants in your garden/yard. Instead, opt for organic products and natural solutions. 

  3. Educate yourself and your children: bees are not dangerous, they forage on flowers and don’t attack humans. By better understanding them, we will learn to better respect them. 

  4. Planting pollinating flowers: whether this is at your home or in a shared community space, a safe habitat for bees to thrive makes all the difference! Start by planting a variety of different flowers and plants for the bees to call home. 

  5. Buy raw and local honey: this supports local beekeepers and helps them to expand their hives. Local hives work hard to care for the bees, and purchasing their products makes a huge difference! A lot of local honey businesses typically offer a variety of products. You can shop our selection here!

We need bees in our environment. They play an impactful role in the restoration of our ecosystem. If we all work together we can make a difference! Shop economically and purposefully at Hon’s Honey. With your continued support, we can make a difference!